Friday, September 29, 2006

Flexi Light


Can you see it? Kinda belongs here.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Gaming: Day of The Tentacle

via Moby Games

Also more info here: Gamespot

Having recently adopted Mi Querido Blanquito, DS Lite, my head's been (back) deep in gaming. And not the usual 3rd gen photoreal-HRDI spectaculars, but the lower res games that are still really wonderfully designed, either in terms of unique gameplay, visuals or, one hopes, both. Wishing there was a way to get this PC title ported to a DS lite (but knowing that sh!t's not happening*) I bring you "Day of the Tentacle" which, along with Grim Fandango and Monkey Island, were LucasArts titles that regret missing the boat on. Cuz I was getting my higher learning on. Yah. Fat lot of good *that* did me, hah!

Okay, I'll return to my regularly sked'ed tentacular accessories blogging shortly.


Stikfas w/ Octopus

via entertainmentearth.comc

Yah, clearly a slow day for me. I tend to like the more minimalist stikfas, but hey! octopus! Unclear if it's equally as poseable as his diver cohort.

Crickey. For some reason I just remembered Steve Irwin's fatal encounter. Ah well. Lived quite a life, he did.


Friday, September 01, 2006



Yahhhhh, I know I talked smack about silver octo charms, but this one I dig because it almost looks floral from afar, with its true identity revealed on closer inspection. And eight whole legs. And cheap. You could "get away with this" in your 9-5 office ensemble*. Breaks the monotony of all those cz circle or heart shape pendants. Quirky!

*...unlike the Terror necklace that I broke down and got. Eh, spoil yourself every once in a while.


Grown Folks: Octopus Pendant


Nice. And pricey. But nice.
